All of 2008

January 20th

Creature in rather royal finery.

January 27th

 Bemused character displays one letter, two versions.

 February 10th

 Birds worry. Mug is indifferent.

 February 17th

Wood sprite hails a cab.

 February 24th

 N is for neurotic.
 P is for paranoid.

 March 2nd

 Let's start counting...

March 16th

 and counting...

 March 20th

Unusual juxtaposition.

March 23rd

and counting...

March 30th

....and counting.

November 23rd

Mult-legged creature offers mouse pie. Turkey is admonitory.

December 7th

Snowperson sports chapeau full o' creatures.

December 14th

Generic elf (no kidding.)

December 21st

Snowpersons overreacting.